Tag Archives: Sister


1070005_10201497884068440_553764963_nThis poem goes out to the most beautiful girl in the world,who God gave me as a big sister….

RACHAEL IRERI is her name



I’ll always be here through thick and thin
You can come to me, I’ll listen
I’m your friend, I won’t push you away
When you need a hug, my arms are wide open
When you need to talk, I have an open ear
Your growing up and getting older
Know that I’m always here, I’m not going anywhere
Wherever you are, I’m there with you
You’re in my heart and my prayers1515006_238602402967312_733633714_nshaz
Just know I’m here, because I truly care
You’re my sister, you mean so much
Don’t want to see you hurt or cry
I’ll wipe the tears, I’ll get rid of your fears
Want to see you grow up and achieve
Just believe, have faith
You can do anything
You’re beautiful inside and out
You’re smart and very talented
You’re many things, but most all, you’re my sister
I believe in you and know that I’ll never stop loving you


Posted by on July 21, 2014 in Love, wishes


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RabbitWell, I have never been a fun of pets, perhaps because I sneeze at the smell of fur, or may be its the mere imagination of ticks all over their body that disgust all my body senses or maybe itsCute-little-girl-with-a-bunny-rabbit-001 because ave never had one…the last one sounds more valid. Should I mention all this were before I met bunny my dear rabbit…from my research on goggle I bet bunny was around 3 weeks old this is because she had fur, well opened eyes and was quite active.

How I met bunny is a long story but basically she ran from their compound and had been strolling at ours for the last two weeks, all this while ave been watching her from my bedroom window and their was something about her that just made me really love her, well my sister also loved her a whole lot but not in the same way I did because being a carnivorous she saw Bunny in a stew kinda way…I cant blame her though because meat is the only thing that arouses her tastes buds.

So my love for bunny grew and I decided to catch her because my love for her was greater than all my reasons above. little-girl-holding-rabbit-by-bionicteaching-e1343607975813-001Catching bunny was a very challenging task but as obvious am equal to the challenge, and should I say I caged her in some hens coop and fed her with sweet potato Hdhut!Saimi Khan (11)-001leaves, carrots, cucumber, cabbages and even sacrificed half my banana for her. There is nothing that made me feel as loved as bunny licking my hands and even sensing when I got home, but Bunny was not mine and I had to find her owner….and she came for her….ooh!! the cry of my heart…..
PS…I named her bunny because my bff chose it over Chloe…..
Pss…and I believe my bff has the best taste ever…..
Psss….I miss you Bunny…..

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Posted by on April 15, 2014 in Friendship, Life Experience, Love


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